Learn paragliding
Would you like to learn paragliding? Then, go! In our flight school, we train you into an autonomous paraglider pilot at various, easy to reach flying sites. We teach you during the initiation day on a training slope how to take off correctly, how to control the paraglider on the ground, how to make small hops and how to land on both feet. Within 3 to 4 afternoons, you improve your take off and landing technique in the Basic Course, that you can conclude with your first big flight under radio guidance. If you like paragliding, in the Licence Course you can make as many flights as you need to prepare for the paraglider pilot licence exam.
What our school offers
At Magiclift, you will not only know the pleasure of a solid paragliding training, but you will also get to know a variety of attractive flying spots with their take off and landing sites, how to evaluate correctly the weather conditions before take off and you will meet people with lots of great flying stories to tell. We have a seat for you in our flight school bus to get to the flight sites. As student pilot, you can participate in our diversified yearly program of flying trips, grill evenings, excursions to paragliding festivals or acro flight shows and many other activities.
In our school, you are at the center of your own training: we adapt our training program to your experience and give you before each flight an exercise adapted to your progression level. For you to make quick progress and improve constantly, we give you immediate feedback.
From the initiation day to the licence, we offer the full training program at an attractive fixed price. You will find the details about the costs in the price overview.
Situation: close to Zurich or halfway to the flying site
From our home base in Horgen, about 20 minutes from the city of Zurich, we can reach in little time a wide choice of beautiful flying sites in central Switzerland, Glarnerland, eastern Switzerland or Bündnerland. We decide where to go for courses and big flights based on the weather conditions. That is how we get the longest possible airtime from a training day.