Some websites we like to surf on
- justACRO
- Redbull Xalps
- Swiss paragliding forum
- DHV forum (German only)
- Paraglidingforum (English)
- Lu-glidz Blogzine (german only)
Flight preparation
- Glider Chart Switzerland
- Map of flight obstacles in Switzerland
- Airspace Switzerland with regulations at airfields
- Daily Airspace Bulletin Switzerland (DABS)
- XC-Planner
- Thermal map af the Alps
- Paragliding 365
- Paragliding Map
- Paragliding Earth
- Sportstrackinglive - visualize GPS-tracks in 3D
Paragliding magazines
- Aero-Club Austria
- Associazione Nazionale italiana Volo Libero
- Deutscher Hängegleiterverband e. V.
- European Hangliding and Paragliding Union (EHPU)
- FAI - World Air Sports Federation
- Fédération française de vol libre - FFVL
- Swiss Hang gliding association
Weather services
More weather links for your own forecast